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Baker. Cook. Gardener. Animal Lover.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Lemon Curd Recipe, Flowers and Best Friends

source: the english kitchen
some of you have asked for the lemon curd recipe so i will add it below.

Lemon Curd

adapted from martha stewart

makes 1 1/2 cups

4 large egg yolks

2 large whole eggs

3/4 cup sugar

1/2 cup fresh lemon juice

4 tablespoons unsalted butter, cut in pieces

grated zest of 2 lemons

1. whisk together the egg yolks and the whole eggs in a medium bowl. combine with the sugar and the lemon juice in a small heavy-bottom saucepan. cook over low heat, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon, until the mixture coats the back of a spoon, 8 to 10 minutes.

2. remove the pan from the heat, and stir to cool slightly. if the mixture is at all lumpy strain it through a fine sieve into a medium bowl, and add the butter, a piece at a time, stirring until smooth. stir in the zest. cover the surface with plastic wrap to prevent a skin from forming. let cool completely before using. curd may be refrigerated for up to 4 days.

i fill prebaked tart shells with the curd and top with fresh blueberries. can be sprinkled with powdered sugar if desired.

the bouquet on my wood burning stove this august day. click for a closer look...

and 2 BEST FRIENDS getting some morning sun together...teddy and whiskey...my sweet loves... dande was watching the whole thing from the drainboard ! click for a closer look here too...whiskey was having a bad hair day and teddy just got in from playing in the sprinkler....
teddy sure is having FUN in that sprinkler this summer...


  1. Teddy and the sprinkler...He's such a card! Love the flowers, the purple plant is very nice but I'm not sure what it is.

  2. These best friends are too precious =) Have a lovely week Xoxoxo

  3. I use the same recipe!!!We love lemon curd in this house,, its really good with old fashioned ginger bread too!Beautiful photos and whiskey and teddy are so so sweet sitting in the sunshine,

  4. The curd sounds great and I will try it. Love your fur buddies! Looks like they love to pose for the camera.

  5. Hi there, Loved getting the recipe for Lemon Curd-I'll use gluten free tart shells but know it will be delicious. Loved seeing your two loves-so precious and of course the sweet peas and the purple flower are beauties too.
    Have a wonderful evening.
    Hugs, Noreen & Reggie

  6. I adore Lemon Curd!
    I will certainly have to try this recipe as soon as possible.
    Your doggie and kitty are so cute together!
    Have a super day!

  7. Thanks for the recipe.

    Whiskey and Teddy are adorable.


  8. i could just eat lemon curd with a spoon. Those guys look too cute for words!

  9. Kary, would I be cheating If I purchased the lemon curd from Stonewall Kitchen?, please don't let on! Happy August first, hugs from Maine!

  10. Thank you for the recipe Kary! I have scones on my mind...but the tarts are still calling me. What to do, what to do....

  11. Oh my goodness!! Those tarts look so delicious!!! I want one right now!!! Your fur babies are so adorable and I love that they play in the sprinkler. My cockapoo likes to go in the pool but the chocolate lab doesn't like the fact that his feet can't touch the bottom so he doesn't like it. Thank you so much for your wonderful comment on my blog about my cat, Rosie. It was so sweet of you. xoxo

    ~ Wendy

  12. Thanks so much for the lemon curd recipe, Kary! I'd love to try this and make my own bluebeery lemon tart this week.

    Whiskey and Teddy look so cute sititng together in the window. It is so nice the get along!

  13. Cute best friends!
    Lemon curd is sooooo good spread between the layers of a white cake that is then iced with Seven Minute Icing.

  14. A great thanks for this recipe. I could make it and eat it all myself. Happiness....

  15. Love lemon curd!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I live in the little farmhouse with my husband and our french bulldog. We split our time between an island in Maine and Silicon Valley in CA. Not a bad life!

  16. All of my favorite things on this post...lemon curd, sweet flower bouquet, Julie's pottery, furry pets...Whiskey's bad hair day LOL! Thank you for sharing your recipe for the lemon curd, I'm going to try it :)
    xxx :D

  17. Thank you for that recipe! I'll add it to my recipe box!

    Teddy & Whiskey Sour look like best buds! I think Dande's a momma's girl!

    I wish Duke liked the water! He hates it! Happy to have stopped by this evening!

  18. Thanks for the recipe. Teddy and Whiskey are so cute together.

  19. Sweet peas are so pretty, aren't they! And it is always nice to see pieces of Julie's work in your home.

  20. What an easy recipe. I love lemon curd. Whiskey and Teddy are as adorable as always. There is nothing like having a best friend!! I have a feeling you won't be lighting your lovely wood stove anytime soon. So darn hot everywhere. Take care!!

  21. I LOVE Lemon Curd, all English people do I think! I must make some, you have inspired me, my mum has a great recipe that I use, and old family recipe!
    LOVELY post!

  22. awwww.. the recipe sounds good but I am to focused on the sweet BFF's!!! So cute!
    Have a wonderful Tuesday

  23. mmmmmmmmmmmm thanks for the recipe.

    I love dogs the size of cats :) Too cute buddies.

  24. Oh I love lemon curd....one of my favourites. Now I will have this on my mind...time to make some..thanks for sharing my sweet friend. xoxox

  25. I have never tried to make lemon curd. sounds so good.
    AWWW Teddy and Whiskey are so sweet!
    have a pretty day!

  26. I have made that lemon curd from MS before and it is very good! Mmmm. Lemon desserts are so wonderful and summery!

  27. I don't know why I never consider making lemon curd. I love it but I always buy it in a jar. Of course, I could pour it on everything!

  28. Hola encantada de conocerte con tu permiso me quedo por aquí aprendiendo de tus recetas.

    El lemon te ha quedado delicioso, queda algo para mi??

    Si te apetece te invito a seguir mi cocina, un saludito desde España.


  29. I alwasy love stopping in at your farmhouse Kitchen!
    Lemon curd on an English muffin....just heavenly for breakfast! I will try this!
    Just wanted to let you know we have a newly adopted rescue at our house...and....his name is Teddy! Not as tiny as your little darling...but such a sweetheart! He is featured in my sidebar!

  30. Lemon curd. Yum! Bouquet. Beautiful! Whiskey and Teddy. Adorable! Have a great day. Tammy

  31. Wonderful lemon curd. Thanks for sharing...
    Always a lovely time spent in your kitchen!

  32. I love lemon curd look delicious!!gloria

  33. I had lemon curd with pancakes today-delicious recipe!


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