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Baker. Cook. Gardener. Animal Lover.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Golden Sunday Morning

It's a quiet Novemeber morning and we are getting into the week before Thanksgiving. Menu planning is in high gear. Going to start to get out some of my special Thanksgiving serving pieces and my Johnson Bros. turkey dishes.Might do a fast polish on the silver, iron a few of my brown and orange gingham napkins, pick some rose hips and make a wreath for the door...that sorta thing. I got this new book yesterday while I was at Barnes and Noble "The Elegance of The Hedgehog" by Muriel Barbery.I love what it said on the inside cover. " This is a moving, witty, and redemptive novel that exhalts the quiet victories of the inconspicuous amoung us." Well, that got my attention. I also took up crotcheting this week. I picked up some white organic cotton yarn and a crotchet hook at Michaels ...watched a You Tube video on the chain stitch and I am off.The postcard of Thansgiving is an old vintage one that has been sitting in my kitchen window for the month of November and the big turkey is from the cover of an old menu dated 1915. Now we need to set the date to go and do a little Thanksgiving grocery shopping. John and I make a big deal out of getting the turkey every year. We go out to lunch and then go to the market. Suppose to rain here on Thursday...that would be the perfect day. We'll make it Thursday.