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Baker. Cook. Gardener. Animal Lover.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Redemption Night

Do you see it there? That big piece of rib eye on the bone. Got to make up for last night. OMG. Those ham croquettes were a LOSER. Not good. I even made the white sauce to go with them. I think I made things worse. So this morning I am at Scolari's Market by 7 ... I went for bread..but as I passed the meat case this little beauty caught my eye. I just couldn't pass it up.
So I just went to the garden and picked some rosemary, chopped it and rubbed the meat with the rosemary , olive oil and my pink sea salt. I will roast it in the cast iron skillet, take it out when it is done and put some Yorkshire pudding batter back into the skillet to bake. Using the recipes out of my beloved and adored Mary and Vincent Price cookbook. Serving fresh spring peas on the side. Dessert is the leftover shortcakes that I made for Easter with blackberries and cream.
In the picture of the pink tulips...do you see the box on the floor? That's the box that the baby gate that I got for Teddy came in. Whiskey and Dande love it. So it's theirs for now.