It seemed like a good idea at the time. I was trying to get out of my 5 week slump and into the Easter Spirit. So I bought a HUGE ham. Huge. And no one but me and John for Easter dinner. I thought it would be nice for leftovers. Easter was yesterday and I am already tired of ham. What am I going to do with all that ham? My sister-in-law and best friend, Julie made pasta with meat sauce for Easter. I wondered about that move at the time. In the morning light..it looks like it was a good way to go. I never really liked having to deal with an enormous amount of leftover holiday meat. On Thanksgiving, I am tired of turkey before the day is over. So here I am faced with a HUGE ham...and I don't really even like ham. I am still in that "licking my wounds phase". So I got our Betty Crocker for some comfort. Ham crouquettes with white sauce. Huh? Really? Should I do it? I remember an episode on" All In The Family" where Edith made ham crouquettes...and it did not go over very good there with Archie either.Are they really that bad? Can't it be a case of " everything old is new again?"
So I made them. I don't know how they will be. I just Cusinarted (is that a word) some ham with parsley from my garden, a little pepper and dijon and an egg...formed them into little circles and dipped them in panko bread crumbs. It said to let them sit a couple of hours before frying. How can anything fried be bad? We'll see.
Teddy Update: Made our room reservations today for Tuesday, April 20th. John and I are driving to Riverside, Ca ( NOT a vacation destination)...going to dinner and spending the night. Then we will get up Wednesday morning and travel the rest of the hour and a half into the desert to a town called Anza...kinda by Palm Springs. We are a LONG way from home. We will get Teddy and make the 7 or 8 hour ride home. We are so excited. I'll keep you updated. 2 weeks to go !