Tomato Tastings
Baskets and baskets of tomatoes for sale....the last thing I need.....
this little lady was so her tomato and avocado apron...she was demonstrating how to make tomato rosettes...and she was good....
there was a booth that showed you all the foods that bees are responsible for
i just loved this basket of goodies...especially that jar of canned peaches there in the back...
they had a beautiful zinnia garden...sure put mine to shame
...those are zinnia's, aren't they?
a california poppy..our native flower...growing between two booths out of dirt as hard as brick
this was growing out of the parking lot....see those brown California mountains
i am regretting that i didn't get a bat house...
some man made both the bat houses and the bluebird houses...i don't know why that makes me kinda sad...i can just see him in his garage..all alone...making bat and bird houses...but you know he likes it...
i'm glad i was old fashion and farmy....
off to make a Chicken Pie for supper tonight.....