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Baker. Cook. Gardener. Animal Lover.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Where Teddy Sleeps

This is our bedroom and it is where little Teddy sleeps...right up against the middle pillow. When I look out the window my view is of a 110 year old Farmhouse on Church Street here in San Luis Obispo.
That is little Teddy's baby bear and a bacon flavored chewie.

I saw this lamp post on QVC (my favorite t.v. station) and ordered it the other day. It is solar and comes on when the sun goes down...and I LOVE it. It sits right by the door coming in from the garden to the kitchen. And YES ! I got out my scarecrow. I got him 2 years ago at Michaels and I just couldn't bear to toss him out after the season. So I saved him. And brought him out the other day. He is tattered and worn...but I just love him.

Went to Miner's Hardware yesterday and just couldn't pass up these zinnias. They look so mid-summer to me.


I set the flowers up on an old table by the side of the kitchen door.

I LOVE this old apple box. I have had it for years. Holiday Apples from Lynn, Mass.