I made another run to Gopher Glen over Labor Day weekend. This time I came up with Mutsu apples. What I was really looking for was raspberries, but that wasn't gonna happen. They had 'em, but they looked bad. All mushy and falling apart. They looked old. So I took a pass on them. Next, I thought what about blueberries? I asked the kid, "Any blueberries?" "Nope, sorry, lady, the're all gone." O.K. I guess I'll check out the apples. The sign said that the Mutsu were " A Great Pie Apple". Well, that sounds good, I'll get those. To be perfectly honest, I have seen them before, but took a pass 'cause I don't like the name. I'm not sure what that's about. So I bagged 'em up and headed for home. I knew I would make the Sour Cream Apple Pie out of The Silver Palate. The First Book. I had made it about 20 years ago and I always loved it. The top of the apples get a crunchy streusel topping of brown sugar and walnuts before you put on the lattice top. I was in a cooking mood, or I would have skipped the lattice part. The pie took FOREVER to make. It looked pretty, farmy and homemade, not professional, that's for sure, and it was good, but I thought the apples still had a kinda crunch after one hour in the oven. So the next day we went back to Gopher Glen and I told the lady about the crunchy apples. She said,"Oh yea, Mutsu apples are like that, they stay crunchy." Thanks, now ya tell me.