Well, we got hit hard by the Big Storm yesterday. It was windy and it poured. But we made it through...and it was cozy last night. We built a fire but my dinner plans had to be scraped because John was late...Highway One was slow going...so we veered off into Macaroni and Cheese territory. And not homemade either. I keep alot of food in my pantry that I call "emergency food", "storm food", "sick day food" and as a friend of mine calls "Do-Go-Mar day".. translation....Don't go to the market.And last night I was into the pantry. Found a box of macaroni and cheese...you know the one, the blue box..the one we've all had at one time or another...so that was it...
The storm looks like it's letting up so now I am pretending I am in San Francisco at the Wharf. I got out my old Fisherman's Wharf cookbook...The vintage date on this one is 1971. I have had it since before we were married. We've been married 29 years.
I never left the house yesterday so today I think I'll venture out. Feel like seafood. Maybe Petrale or Dover sole. But I don't know if it is in season..or maybe it can't be caught with the seas so stormy. I'll go see. I am going to go to either Old Port Seafood in Avila at the end of the pier or go to Morro Bay.If they don't have sole, I'll be happy with scallops or baby clams. I'll let ya know what I get.