Yesterday I rode with John back up to Cambria..and while he worked..I did a little side trip to my favorite shop...Heart's Ease. I wanted to share it with you, dear ones...and most especially I had my dear friend, Dawn from May All Seasons Be Sweet To Thee in mind. I really wanted her to see it and knew all of you would enjoy it as well.
As some of you know..it was started nearly 30 years ago by my friend, Sharon Lovejoy... I was Heart's Eases's first employee..and it is still my most favorite job I ever had...and it really did change my life. I have to give credit to Sharon for showing me the ways of a New England lifestyle. She taught me about gardening and herbs and decorating and always making time in you day for making small fresh flower and herb bouquets in your home...for all things New England really.
Sharon sold the shop several years ago, and it isn't the same as it was.You can tell Sharon is gone, but the building is so wonderful..it's an old home that sits on Burton Drive in the downtown of Cambria.It is filled with soaps and lotions and cards and potpourri, candles, books old and new and gardening supplies. Out in the back is a nursery section with herbs..many of them that are very hard to find....
It is a shop filled with charm...I have always loved Heart's Ease. But as I was telling my friend Julie Whitmore yesterday it makes me sad too. I remember the days when all of us would laugh and giggle and run across the street to Robins to share a bowl of soup for lunch on a rainy day..my mom would come to Cambria every Friday..we called it 'The Friday Loop'. We would all go to Robins for lunch then hit the Friday Cambria Farmers Market and then ...we saved the best for last. We would always go to Heart's Ease late in the afternoon to see what treasure we could bring with us back home. I looked down the street where we would all walk together. And I was alone. Sharon was no longer there. And I lost my mom 3 years ago to pancreatic cancer. And me too. I don't live there anymore. All memories of good times....that are no more. I told Julie last night about it and I told her it made me sad. She said, "yeah, it makes me sad too".