We had pretty much had it with the heat wave around here so we headed out to Morro Bay. I'm gonna let ya in on a little secret. I don't really like Morro Bay. And I don't even have a good reason why. I should like it. It has all the things I do like. Small, quaint, it really is charming, fishing boats, family run fish and chips dives, otters in the bay, seals, seagulls, now that I think about it, I guess I do like Morro Bay. Since moving from Cambria 2 years ago, which is about 20 minutes north on Highway One, I have not been to Morro Bay. Maybe that's what it is. I was on M.B. overload. Did all my grocery shopping there for nearly 30 years. Ya know, it was good to go back. We loaded up the car with some bottles of water and Buddy. John has been having the worst craving for some decent Hass avocados. The ones from Scolaris have been bad. We knew of a little roadside stand out on Highway 41 that was "the spot" for really good avocados. The ride was nice and we did see leaves starting to turn color along the creek. We got a sack of avocados and headed back into the village. John LOVES clam chowder. I have to be in the "mood" for it. And most of the time, I am NOT in the "mood" for it. So we went to Giovannis and he got the soup and we headed to "The Rock" as it is called to eat and watch the waves. It was cool and windy, but we had a good time.It felt good to get out of the heat, but this morning we woke to cold and foggy. So it looks like the heat wave is over. I am headed to The Avila Barn this morning to get raspberries to make a pie. We are invited to some friends for a Labor Day bbq and I am dessert. I'll let ya know how the pie making goes.