Well, thank god for the "cooling trend". It was a little cooler when we got up this morning...but by 10 a.m. ...there was no doubt about it...it was HOT again. Got the fan back on Buddy. What a trooper. Filled the wading pool with water. Shredding my closet looking for tank tops and shorts. Can't take anymore bbq..last night was a total bust. It just tasted..well,tired. So tonight I am going to make veal saltimbocca. I have the meat and prosciutto. I just don't feel like going to the store in the heat.
The pictures are to show you my attempt at decorating for Thanksgiving. I got it out the day after Halloween. All happy and hopeful. The paper turkey in the wooden bowl was my grandmothers. I've had it all these years after about a zillion moves. I can't believe it is in that good of shape. I can't believe I even have it.
I saw the Pepperidge Farms stuffing in Scolaris the other morning.I know, boxed stufing. Tried making my own, but it didn't go over very big. Frankly, I didn't like it much either.It just doesn't taste like the kind mom used to make. And I've learned...some things you just don't mess with. And the Thanksgiving stuffing is one of those things. I didn't buy it cause the weather just isn't right. Now I kind of wish I had. I like to look at it in the month of Novemeber...and dream about the BIG DAY.
And I am still looking at the Martha Christmas magazine...and waiting..I hope it rains before New Years.