i went to our Sunday Farmers Market today on the off chance there MIGHT be a pumpkin...no luck just yet...but i asked the farmer and he said 2 weeks...then i glanced around the table and what do i see ? these baby artichokes. these are REALLY small...like the size of a shallot.... i couldn't pass them up even though i have NO IDEA what i am going to do with them....besides frying them like eggplant in breadcrumbs or putting them is pasta...i am not sure what to do with them...hey you guys out there....what can i do with them ? all ideas are WELCOME...
i have also noticed alot of you are making pickles...refridgerator pickles..pickles in a pickle pot...canning pickles...so i got some cucumbers...got to give it a try...what would the middle of august be without some pickling and preserving going on in the kitchen ?
the days are really getting shorter...i have noticed i have to turn on my lights in the kitchen now when i am making supper....so i got out my Halloween Haunted House Nightlight... click for a close-up of him !
o.k. here is the REALLY BIG TREASURE of the day...joyce at http://octoberfarm.blogspot.com/ told me about this...she said get over to Michaels a.s.a.p. !!!! they have a really cute Halloween light... i got in the car with my pajamas still on and headed over...only 3 left. i got there just in the nick of time.... i can't wait till it gets dark tonight !
my kitchen window this afternoon...with red warren pears...an old variety local to our area...that were at the farmers market today...
the night will never stay, the night will still go by, though with a million stars you pin it to the sky; though you bind it with the blowing wind, and buckle it with the moon, the night will slip away like sorrow or a tune.