Should I say the next part? Maybe not.O well, I've gone this far, why stop now. Are your ready? We're bbqing tonight. There, I said it. Hamburgers with Camp Beans and Bessie's asparagus vinagrette .That's our sun tea brewing by the kitchen door. For dessert I am making Meyer lemon bars, the lemons a gift by the back gate from a neighbor. That was my lucky day. Oh, see the quilt. That was my grammys.I just put it out this morning. I planted the yellow johnny-jump-ups and red geraniums about a month ago.I bring out the quilt every Spring...and that's where we're having supper tonight. But just to be fair...the weatherman says RAIN...what? Really? Rain? Yep, it's in the forecast for the weekend. Looks like my free ride might be over. Bet your glad about that, huh?
Who said clouds were lonely?
11 hours ago