See that. That's ME !!! I took that picture less than a minute ago. Here. In California. On Sunday, December 12th !!! And it felt good on my feet cause it's so HOT out here...You is 80 degrees today. And NO. I am NOT HAPPY about it. Not one little bit. It's CHRISTMAS. Teddy and I are sitting here with all the doors and windows WIDE OPEN. I am looking at my Vermont Castings woodstove and oak wood piled by the door with tears in my eyes. I think I'll go and turn down my Andy Williams Christmas just dosen't seem right.How sad is this?The Christmas tree even looks sad baking in the hot sun. I wait all year for Christmas. And now this. Did you notice in my profile info that I am "pretending" that I live in Vermont. What a stretch that is. Not even close. But I will not complain anymore, my friends. I will carry on and be grateful for all that I do have. I am going to the market to get the dried fruit to make my Panettone....I make it every year...80 degrees or not. All I can do is hope that it breaks soon. I know I have zero chance of snow...but rain would be nice. Stay cozy....wherever you are.
the night will never stay, the night will still go by, though with a million stars you pin it to the sky; though you bind it with the blowing wind, and buckle it with the moon, the night will slip away like sorrow or a tune.