Look what i got !!!! do you see it up there...above my kitchen sink....see the sign that says Farm House Kitchen ??? LUCKY ME !!!! it's something i have ALWAYS wanted...but didn't have...and now i have it......it was a gift...from a very dear friend http://octoberfarm.blogspot.com it arrived today out of the blue...along with other assorted goodies.... thanks octoberfarm....you're THE BEST !!!
there are my jack o' lantern lights...they don't look too good in the day...but at night the house glows orange...we feel like mice living in a pumpkin shell....and do you see the ghost outside in the trees ???? teddy LOVES that ghost..and so do i ..........
the night will never stay, the night will still go by, though with a million stars you pin it to the sky; though you bind it with the blowing wind, and buckle it with the moon, the night will slip away like sorrow or a tune.