I wish I could take credit for this darling cake...but I can't. I got it at our local market today. I just couldn't pass it up. It is Santa on the chimney. It got kinda smashed in the box on the way home so I added the baby marshmallows to cover the smushed icing. She said it was vanilla. I got some beautiful raspberries so we will have the cake tonight with some vanilla ice cream. Tonight is FONDUE NIGHT by the fire.We feel just like Christmas mice inside Farmhouse. All warm and cozy....eating cake and raspberries. And I got my wish. It is 80 degrees no more, my friends. It is POURING rain out here in California. And we love it. Our rowboat is docked by the back kitchen door...just in case. We're getting so close to Christmas..... Farmhouse is ready, are you?